
years, plans, and warm chairs

Well, we did it. You may recall that last year we each started on a one-year plan to read the entire Bible. At the end of August, we finished our plans. Sometimes we fell a little behind, but we always managed to catch up (I think we actually finished 1 day behind, but since it was a leap year, we should have had 366 days anyway, right?). It was actually pretty easy once we got into the habit of reading a little every day (and knowing how much to read was easy because the plans on YouVersion tell you what to read).

Anyway, we now started the chronological plan together. They tried to put everything in the order it probably happened. It's also helpful when multiple books were written at the same time or about the same events, because the plan has you read through them simultaneously, which gives better context to each. Right now we're in Job. Sharayah likes me to read Job's overly-dramatic pleas and complaints, while she reads his friends' not-so-compassionate responses. Pretty entertaining. We're not really sticking to the schedule too strictly, we're just using the plan to keep everything in chronological order.

On a slightly related note (and probably more interesting), this weekend at our church was another Hot Seat Weekend, where the pastor answered questions on the spot without ever having seen them (hence the name). People submitted questions (about anything from evolution to homosexuality to catholicism, if the service we went to was any indication) over the past few weeks and the church staff consolidated the list to 35 questions, 7 of which were answered at each service (yea, he had to do it 5 times in two days, ouch). He's a pretty smart guy with well-thought-out responses (at the service we went to anyway, I haven't heard the others yet :-p). At some point tonight all 5 services will be available on the podcast, so you should check them out. People did not ask easy questions, and he still gave pretty good answers. (Side note: there are also a few years worth of old services on the podcast. If you want to listen to the main pastor, that's Mark Johnston. There are also messages by Andrew Wilson, the assistant pastor.)

Sharayah made eggs and hash browns for lunch, and I just ate them. Good.

it's a long way home

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