Well, things got a little hectic at the end of the semester and then we went in vacation, so I didn't finish this as soon as I was supposed to. Still, now it's time for my interpretations of what Sharayah might have meant by the ten nouns she claimed describe me. I really tried, but most of the time I had no idea and just gave whatever idea made me chuckle to myself.
1. Boiling water - A watched pot never boils, but sure enough if you look away there is soon boiling water doing whatever it is you needed boiling water for. I think maybe this means that at first glance it doesn't seem like I do much, but somehow when you look away I get tons of things done.
2. Celery - Not very good on its own but ok added to a good soup or something. Insubstantial but adds flavor. I don't know how this applies to me.
3. Cuckoo clock - Dependable (predictable?) but a little eccentric (or annoying?).
4. Pickwick Papers - I'm ashamed that I don't know enough to get how the literary reference applies. I know it's a Dickens book, but I haven't read it. I know Sharayah thinks it's really funny. Let's just say this one means smart and funny.
5. Costco's 93-inch bear - Impressive to look at, but not worth the expense.
6. Female elephant - She won't tell me why it has to be a female elephant. She won't even tell me if it matters for the explanation. It can't be that "elephants never forget," because I definitely have the absentminded professor thing going on. I'm really stuck on this one. Large nose?
7. Onion - I saw this one and said, "I have layers? Like an ogre?" I was met with blank stares, so I continued, "Like in Shrek?" More blank stares. So probably that's not the reference she was making. I make you cry but not because you're sad? That doesn't sound good.
8. Antivirus software - I protect you, but I'm always pestering you to upgrade me to the premium version.
9. White vinegar - Very useful for a wide variety of applications. Kind of gross smelling. I don't like this one.
10. Toilet paper - This is pretty weird. Toilet paper is for cleaning your bum and not much else. I guess I do clean a lot of bums in this house.
That devolved pretty quickly. I don't think I got any of them right.
Next are my 10 nouns for Sharayah. These are all used as nouns here even when the more common meaning is an adjective.
Self-help book
Alfred Pennyworth
Boxer crab